Join a while lot of millionaires around the world on our 

  6 Months to 10 Months and 1 Year Training. 


Kimberlite is a dark-coloured, heavy, often altered and brecciated (fragmented), intrusive igneous rock that contains diamonds in its rock matrix.

Our Projects

The Diamond Chip

We are almost rounding up our One Billion Dollar Project called the Diamond Chip. It is a special 7G powered Diamond chip that mimics a ballistics dome.

A Unique and Special warfare technology that has ability to fight off ballistics missiles.

About Us

Rare Stones are not just ornaments.

The First time our CEO discovered a Kimberlite, he was convinced that the stone much more than the world knew about it. 

He began a special research program on it and he was 100% right.  Over 100 use cases of the Kimberlite Stone has been discovered and the latest one is it anti bomb property. 

What People Says About Us

We make every experience count

If you give me three options to pick from, I will pick Kimberlitelux thrice.

Sandra Kay

Managing Director

Thank you always delivering every single time. We recommend them every single time too.

Amma Doe


This training changed my life. I learnt a lot and it has taken by luxury business to a new height.

John Newman


Our Work

Luxury at its best!

Our Portfolio

A New Path Is Defined

Defining something out of the ordinary has always been our driving force. Here is a typical mining pit in one of our sites.

Connect With Us:

307, Royal Diamond Building – 78 Al Khor St – Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Trusted By

A brand you can trust.

The First time our CEO discovered a Kimberlite, he was convinced that the stone much more than the world knew about it. 

He began a special research program on it and he was 100% right.  Over 100 use cases of the Kimberlite Stone has been discovered and the latest one is it anti bomb property. 

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